Thursday 31 July 2014

Cranberry Seed Oil Close-up

Ingredient close-up:
Cranberry Seed Oil ( Cold pressed)

One of the strongest anti-oxidants amongst vegetable/fruit oils. Extremely high in essential fatty acids, tocopherols, phytosterols, Omega 3, Omega 6. The ideal choice for all year round cosmetic ingredient, helping skin fighting the free radicals, improving elasticity and tightening the skin. Great for after sun care, help the recovering and reducing the sun damage.
The oil is light and non-greasy and easily penetrates the skin. This oil may aid in the relief of itchy, scaly, irritated skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Cranberry oil is the most unsaturated oil on the market, meaning that it has the most moisturizing properties of any oil. 

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Witch Hazel Face Toner and how to use it

  Amazing uses of Witch Hazel toner: 

 • First and foremost : Use it when treating Acne and spots. It works really well as it disinfects, closes pores and controls excessive oiliness. 
• Helps healing bruises faster. If you’ve being clumsy like me, you know what I’m talking about. It helps the swelling, calms the bruise and reduces the time it heals. Put a dabbed cotton ball on the bruise three times a day for few minutes and you’ll find out what I’m talking about.
 • Great for Chicken pox spots as it cools, calms the itchiness and disinfects. Use before the calamine lotion or on its own in between. Also can be applied when combined pure Aloe Vera gel to calms the symptoms. 
• Soothes insect bites. It calms and reduce itchiness, also prevents infection and reduces swelling. 
• Soaking towel in witch hazel and applying on varicose veins brings relief to swollen and painful legs. 
• Helps get rid of the bags under the eyes. Just apply on cotton pads and gently put them under the eyes for few minutes. 
 • The anti-inflammatory properties of witch hazel stop itchy bumps from forming up around your irritated hair follicles. Apply before or after shaving, it should certainly have an impact on your itchy red skin. 
• Healing and relieving the symptoms of a sun burn. The Witch hazel is a specialist when it comes to healing and soothing inflamed and sun burned skin, it will help prevent peeling and flaking. 
• Soothing and bringing relief to very dry and itchy skin. Apply immediately after shower, it will feel much softer and moist.